Function teeSSSSharesUpload

  • Name



    Upload secret shares to TEE enclaves with retry.


    TEE enclave response including both the payload and the enclave response.


    • clusterId: number = 0

      The TEE Cluster id to upload shares to.

    • kind: "secret" | "capsule"

      The kind of nft linked to the key uploaded: "secret" or "capsule"

    • payloads: TernoaHelpers.StorePayloadType[]

      Array of payloads containing secret data and each share of the private key. Should contain SSSA_NUMSHARES payloads.

    • nbRetry: number = 3

      The number of retry that need to be proceeded in case of fail during a share upload. Default is 3.

    • Optional enclavesIndex: number[]

      Optional: An Array of enclaves index. For example, some enclaves that previously failed that need to be uploaded again.

    Returns Promise<({
        message: string;
        name: string;
        owner_address: string;
        secret_data: string;
        signature: string;
        signer_address: string;
        signersig: string;
        stack?: string;
    } | {
        description: string;
        enclave_id: number;
        nft_id: number;
        owner_address: string;
        secret_data: string;
        signature: string;
        signer_address: string;
        signersig: string;
        status: string;

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